What Are The Different Types Of Compensation Claims?

When you think about how many types of accident there are; those involving cars, trains, busses, pedestrians, cyclists and many other elements; it makes sense that there are also several types of compensation claim. When you contact a law firm about your accident, the claims advisor you speak to will categorise your accident for you. Below, we have provided information about the three main types of compensation claim:

Road traffic accident claims

A Road traffic accident claim is a claim for any kind of accident that involves a single motorist. For example, if you were hit by a motorist while crossing the road, then your personal injury claim would be put into the road traffic accident category. And likewise, if you were involved in a 3-vehicle pile-up on the motorway, then your claim would be categorised as a road traffic accident.

The most common injury sustained in a road traffic accident is whiplash, closely followed by cuts and bruises, and you have the legal right to compensation, providing you were not wholly responsible for the accident in which you sustained your injuries.

Slips, trips and falls claims

Slips, trips and falls can happen anywhere. Where they happen in the workplace, they are categorised as workplace accidents, however if they happen anywhere else then generally they are put into a category of their own. Slips, trips and falls claims must be investigated thoroughly, as there’s usually little evidence to support them. However, any good lawyer will be able to prove an accident happened and win their client’s case.

According to the law firm, the most common injury sustained in a slip, trip or fall is damage to the arms or legs, followed by damage to the face. Serious injuries can occur because of these accidents, although most injuries are relatively minor.

Accident in the workplace claims

An accident in the workplace claim is a claim for an injury that one has sustained while under the protection of their employer at work. Claims can be brought forward whether the accident happened on business premises or not, so long as the employer had a duty of care for their employee at the time. In addition to this, protection applies for contractors and the self-employed who were injured in an accident on an employer’s premises.

If you have been injured at work, then you have the legal right to financial compensation, if your employer was at fault. If it can be found that your employer failed in their legal duty to protect you, then you will have a strong claim for financial compensation. However, you must bring your claim forward within three years, to comply with the Limitation Act 1980.

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